
Easy riders raging bulls documentary
Easy riders raging bulls documentary

Two films I have recently enjoyed that were on my list of the movies that fitted this description were Breathless and Easy Rider. Those who are truly great at what they do don’t follow. People can be afraid to create something true to themselves, and would rather follow suit and copy what is trending to secure financial success. I love to do this because I find it fascinating when someone creates something that is unlike anything else, and it becomes a phenomenon in its own right. As an avid movie buff, I often enlighten myself in this way by watching films deemed classics today, but at their time of arrival, confused industry execs with their avant-garde style.

easy riders raging bulls documentary

While we are physically isolated from each other, our dissatisfaction with the government reaches its boiling point, and our fight against social injustice continues, it’s very important to reflect on and remain galvanized by the things that you love. Noah reminds himself of the thrilling escapism of discovering cinema’s greatest movies

Easy riders raging bulls documentary